When can I jump?
We are open all year round, 7 days a week, sunrise till sunset.


What about the Weather?
We will only jump in safe conditions. Unsafe conditions would include strong winds and low clouds, we want you to enjoy your skydive!!


From what height do we jump?
We jump from approximately 10,000 feet which is a little over 3km!


Where do we land?
We land at the Airstrip, just outside the Dropzone buildings, so your family can watch you land.


Can we land on the Beach?
Yes this can be done if requested in advance. Please note however that it can only be confirmed on the day weather permitting. There is an additional charge.


How long is the free fall?
You are in free fall for 35-40 seconds. Then the parachute opens at 4500ft and you glide under canopy back down to earth. This takes a 4 or 5 minutes.


Can I drink before I jump?
No! We have a strict NO alcohol and drug use policy, your safety is important to us. (We also don't want you to hurl in the airplane!)


Is it safe?
Skydiving is classed as a high risk sport and like with other extreme sports, there are risks involved. Our Parachute Systems are top of the line and maintained to the highest standards. Our Tandem Instructors are internationally qualified with thousands of skydives and are associate members of the Parachute Association of South Africa (PASA).


But what happens if the parachute doesn't open?
This is very unusual, but if for any reason there is a problem with the parachute, there is a reserve parachute, so no worries there. All parachutes are equipped with an automatic opening device that opens the parachute, even if your instructor doesn't.


What shall I wear?
Shorts or trousers and a T-shirt are fine, and a pair of shoes that won't fall off! So no flip flops, I'm afraid.


Can I wear glasses?
Yep, no problem, we give you special goggles that fit over your specs.


Contact lenses?
No problem at all.


Can I take my own camera?
No, a tandem jump is your introductory lesson to the sport. Once you sign the indemnity form you are considered a student skydiver, so some rules apply. Dont worry we will handle the camera so you can enjoy the experience.


What is the plane like?
Our plane is a Cessna 182. It has room for 4 skydivers and the pilot.


How long do I need to allow?
We generally suggest you allow around an hour per person jumping.


What is the minimum age?
The minimum age for tandem skydiving is 12, and we must have written consent from parents for anyone under the age of 18 years.


Is there a maximum age?
Not at all! As long as the person is happy and healthy to jump, we will take them!


Is there a maximum weight?
For safety reasons we have a weight limit of 100kg. We apologise for any disappointment this may cause, but again, your safety is important to us.


Are there restrictions for people with bad back or illnesses?
It depends on the injury or illness. We would prefer you call us in advance to discuss this. If you have any doubt please ask your doctor's opinion before you book.


Where is Skydive Plett?
We operate from Plettenberg Bay Airport, which is just outside Plettenberg Bay town.


Do I need to Book?
Yes. We get very busy so it is worth booking to avoid disappointment, however we do get cancellations so it is always worth calling or popping in if you haven't booked. We will always make every effort to accommodate you